I Took A Knee
On Super Bowl Sunday, I performed a grand experiment – I didn’t watch the Super Bowl - I took a knee. I didn’t care about the 2 teams playing in the game (sorry Pats/Rams – I’m an Eagle’s fan), could have cared less about the network it was being played on (sorry CBS), and though I’m a marketing guy, I see fresh new creative video…
The 5 P Motto – Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance
The 5 P Motto you have certainly heard before - Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance. It’s the old 5 P Motto. A great story about the importance of such a phrase.
Touch Points and How to Handle Negative Customer Experiences
Train your employees to properly handle negative experiences, empower them to make things right when a bad touch point happens. Don’t put off the problem, handle the problem. Handled correctly, a bad touch point turns into positive word of mouth advertising.
Seedlings – Nature’s Little Lesson on Business Success
Take time each week to learn something new about your business, or how others in your business are doing business. I scour papers and websites each week to find new ideas on topics that have an interest to me or clients of mine. Pay attention. Where is your business moving?
Oh, The People You Meet (The Importance of Stories)
The world is full of interesting people, with interesting stories to tell. The next time you’re on a call, or appointment, or whatever you do that requires you to book meetings with people, remember this important piece of advice: find their story, and have them tell it. Do this, and you’ll crack open the door to a new friendship.
Starting SugarFly Studios
Video delivers sight, sound, motion, and emotion. It tells stories. What does your business need video for? How will you use it? There are a variety of applications. Start with the internet – the world wide web. Video production is a new category that businesses are incorporating into their marketing budgets.
Who Needs Video?
It’s a war of websites. How many does one business have over the other, how well are the sites maintained, how regularly are they updated, how many views, etc. The more often this information is updated, the higher that business is rewarded in search. The double bonus – is that because video is such a growing category – business owners, marketing directors – anyone can directly deliver their message to a target audience.
Video Marketing – Business Marketing Essentials – Tip 715
Each day, each week, and each year – more applications and more devices are being designed and built, with a video screen in mind. I remember reading an article not too long ago – an interview with the marketing director for P&G – he was asked about video, and his answer included “thinking in screens.” He’s got it. Thinking in screens.